Sunday, July 12, 2009


its cool to listen to new music. everyone knows this. however, the best place to find new music is myspace (contrary to popular belief.) this is no secret to those of us who actually use myspace for musical purposes.

there two reasons Why myspace is cool. 1) anyone with a computer can put music on myspace, rather easily at that. 2) unlike review sites, myspace lets people speak for themselves. 1st amendment ftw! the "bio" and "about me" sections are nice, but i personally think the top friends feature says the most because it says what artists are actually listening to. (or at least should be used that way)

if social networking sites were equated to systems of government/economy, Facebook would be democratic socialism, Myspace would be a free-market democracy, and twitter would be communism (not only because they limit how much you can say, but for the fact that the "trending topics" section encourages people to think like sheep.)

and for those who were wondering: anarchism would most likely /b/ 4 chan (which many people wouldnt consider a social networking site to begin with.)'

also, in this allegory, making your own website would constitute an Absolute Monarchy.

alright i am done allegorizing. back to myspace.

i have a few myspaces for different music projects, some are very old, and one is a huge inside joke. without myspace, i would not be able to deliver my music to so many different people, for absolutely no cost other than a little bit of my time.

Myspace fact:

the greatest and worse decision myspace ever made was to allow users to use limited html to modify their pages. the reason why everyone older than 12 decided to say goodbye to myspace and hello to facebook is because facebook doesnt let you put rainbows as your background when people click on your page. i hope someday facebook changes this. having html enabled on myspace is very useful if you know what what youre doing because you can actually make your page look cool. however, most of the pages you encounter on myspace look like a 12 year old girl's bedroom (note: i do not frequently spend time in 12 year old girl's bedrooms.)

so the layout of your page is very, very important. (<--- take note, musicians.) almost always, if someone has amazing art on a myspace, i will spend more time giving the music a chance.

when i made my HORSE FORCE myspace, i intentionally made the most flashy page possible and for some reason, it has gotten the most visits out of any of my myspaces (by far.)

i get probably 5-10 friend requests and LISTEN TO THEM ALL (like every good A&R guy should.) this might seem like a waste of time (and most of the time it is) but every once in a while, while listening i find something i absolutely love. sometimes its someone who does a specific genre very well and is unheard of outside of the genre. sometimes it is someone who is a bedroom producer or garage band that has very good ideas, but just needs someone to help record and refine their stuff (these ones i take note for obvious reasons.)

but my absolute favorite kind of unheard artist is one who has an inconspicuous page with hilariously good music. these kind of artists are like good barbecue places. i am not going to explain my metaphor.

a good example of one of these kind of artists is a guy by the name of MMIFODA who friend requested me today. this german guy says that he is "experimental/j-pop/breakbeat" and that is about as accurate as a description as anything. it is techno/hardstyle influenced (in the most comical way possible,) it is driven by breakcore-ish programming (i am a sucker for good drum programming) but its the subtle use of blatant samples and ironic superimposition that makes me love it.

the first song on his player is untitled. it starts with some goofy german sample, goes into some drum and bass pad, and then BAM smacks you in the face with the most unexpected tempo change ever. love it. honestly the only reason i listened to the whole thing was because of the goofy german sample, but when the second half of the song kicked in (which actually sounds good and could be a whole other song) it FUCKED me up. i guess i like music that fucks me up. good electronic music should be danceable, but it should also laugh in your face at how much better than you it is.

i realize i am over-glorifying a myspace page that is not as genius as i make it out to be. it is true that a lot of good electronic music comes from dumb people making genius mistakes. thats probably why i like it so much. its the common man's music.


  1. reposted from HORCE FORCE's myspace blog

    original poster-annoying ringtone

    Yo Horse, great blog! Really enjoyed reading it. Thought I would reply to your latest post about myspace here (either because it's myspace orientated and this blog is part of myspace or because I don't know how to post on blog sites since I'm an idiot, you decide)...

    First of all: html page design. I agree with most of the points you make, particularly when you talk about potential listeners giving artists more of a chance due to them having an attractive layout on their page. However I have to disagree with what you say about your own page (the Horse Force one) where you seem to suggest that the main reason your getting the amount of views / friends / plays etc is because of your page's layout. In my opinion you would have gained an almost identical number views / friends / plays regardless of the design of your page. The Horse Force music is original and has a very distinct sound (I can't think of any other "breakcore" musicians with a similar sound as Horse Force's) where as your other projects are, I feel, more generic (no offense intended) and sound more similar in comparison to music already available in the project's "market" genre.

    Generally speaking though, regarding the whole "inconspicuous page with hilariously good music" thing it's very interesting that the example you give is MMIFODA (aka. "My Mouth Is Full Of Dropkicking Astronauts"). Since you don't know, this guy had a myspace page under same name (started around early 07 I think) which was over a year old when it was deleted. During this time, the page had a very bright and garish design (much like Horse Force's) and had gained (if my memory serves me correctly) around 9000+ friends and 170'000+ plays in the year it existed. Would the page have gained a similar amount of attention within the same time period had the design of the page been left as the default but the music remained the same? I don't believe so.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is that it really depends on the particular artist whether you need a good design to promote the music or not. It definitely does help in particularly scene-image orientated genres (eg. poser-metal genres such as emo etc.) to help push plays and increase listener numbers but truly good music will gather the same amount of attention regardless of page design (a band that springs to mind is Crystal Castles). [I suppose that you could claim that the blank html "design" enhances the sort of "we don't give a shit" attitude that some bands have, but that's another arguement altogether...]

    Btw, here's my favourite MMIFODA song from his old myspace (there were two absolute crackers on there but I can only remember this one). ENJOY!

    DEAR DIARY Lurking Shadow Inc.

  2. i know what you mean when you say my other projects adhere more to genre standards. Seeing as horse force is my most recent project (other than striking viking, which is meant to be cliche gabber) id say that it makes sense. as i listen to more music, i learn more about what has been done. i think the key to being innovative is splitting your time with art up like this: 95% absorption and 5% creation.

    but yeah, thanks for the further info on this interesting artist.

