Thursday, October 22, 2009

2009-10-02 art imagination

creating art

at what point do your inner thoughts, your daily flow of emotions, senses and instincts, become art?

it is when you decide.

your pounding headache, the taste of coffee in the morning, waking up starving and then slowly replenishing your body of nutrients and fuel, being in commute, traveling to work by bus, train, car, bike or foot, that sense of transport, then you arrive at your job and are in a box being yelled at to complete tasks for someone, you get a lunch break and the food briefly tells the chemicals in your brain of another time and place.

your body is happy because you feed it, so your brain rewards you with feel-good chemicals.

O sandwich, transport me to that other place, the cliche palm trees and tangerine sunset above with the heated sand seeping through your toes below, the chair below you made of a living organism, a tree, tells you its story, of growing up in a forest on a mountain, tranquility, feeling the seasons, the excitement of spring, the blissful arrival of summer, the fleeting dread of autumn, and the cold hibernation of winter.

the chair under you on the sand in the beach under the sunset in your head, a creation of brain chemicals triggered by the sandwich you eat at your job in a building, in a city, in reality

i breathe tangents. they are just geometry, which is a rule explaining an aspect of reality created by man to explain himself and his surroundings to himself. someone told me theoretical thinking is an art. "art is the umbrella" i said. art is just a word you designate to an idea. words are only one part of art; they lie under the umbrella. words only function as a protocol for interaction between two brains. like the http of brain waves. the ethernet jack from the back of my head into yours. communication=art

see? these words, they are working on something. it is a seed of an idea in your head that can grow into a tree in a forest. a forest in your head. the same forest that i got the wood for the imaginary chair in my head. the chair i sit on when i eat my sandwich during lunch at work at my job in reality (o boring listless reality.)

Oh food, please fuel me so i can zoom around in my imagination. reality is here and real. terrible things happen. innocent black children in the sahara desert die of starvation because some fat white man wants to zoom around in his private jet in reality. we were given brains and imaginations so we could realize these things (reality) but also cope with the horrors of reality (imagination)

duality, the dual-spouted funnel that all my ideas unintentionally end up traveling through.

//and on that note, my surf wave of creativity has reached the beach and dissipated into the sand. …the same sandy beach that i sit on while i eat my sandwich at lunch time. im getting hungry. need more fuel. my tangents, my geometry poured in my head from the thought cloud of electricity in the atmosphere have somehow built a shape, a shape that looks like a strange mysterious seed, a seed that will grow into a tree in the forest on the mountain in my head. the tree will grow, experiencing the seasons peacefully, until some day, my imaginary hero/villain character in my head will chop down the tree with a lazar beam and craft himself a chair that he will sit on the next time the reality me (Ben is what they call him) eats a sandwich to fuel his fragile, slowly dying body.

2009-09-24 mossy rock love poem

I need to be transported to a new world where we can wake up next to each other in the mossy green comfort of a tribal temple, glowing with the mystical radiance of 3000 years worth of ghosts, waiting, lurking the forest for something explaining their meaningless, overplayed lifetimes. with an orange yellow sunlight peering through the hazy blue green misty morning woodsy air, the birds chirping as we simultaneously are awoken from our intertwined state of unconscious subconscious drifting, the birds lazily chirping their morning song, as we lie on the mossy green temple entrance, looking up upon a canopy of leaves and shadows, coming back to the dream within a dream, awoken peacefully without a stir, only the sound of you breathing on my beating, slowly rising ribcage, my chest cavity nonreluctantly supporting the weight of your head. as we float on the rock, our body masses sinking into the damp moss, leaving a human fingerprint, a ghost disappearing with his brain love chemical creation of past experiences combined with a pinch of unconscious otherrealmly exploration…

but we sit there, a two-human figure, intertwined bone to bone, skin to skin, your mental mindset created from a culmination of past experiences of you, in a creek trying to find our sentimental relic, in a dusty dead classroom of 14 year old skeletons, us together ablaze with life and passion and naivety. looking into each other for a brief moment as our insecurities slowly settle, gold and silver flecks around us falling like silent dust to the concrete floor, as we gaze into each other's souls for a brief second, finding complete tranquility in the bonding of two incomplete humans, seeing past, present, and future as one single moment…

the silvergold dust settling, forming into a pure sphere of interlaced complexity, completeness, and infinite unity, just for a brief second, until the insecurities of the world mute the gold silver flecks, the divine dust of freefloating human interconnectedness, a dirty glass of water with metal particles allowing the electricity of love and life to complete a circuit, ad infinitum, the infinite feedback loop of love, of completeness, of non-singular human existence. the pulsating intertwined rhythm of infinite humanity combined with the droning harmonious melody of everlasting infinite true love… as we sit on that aztec temple, the mossy sacrifice stone, the stone that tasted the blood of a thousand human hearts, pulsating out red and white blood cells, the soul of this human carcass falling through the floor, through the decomposed soil of human history, down to the hell of it's warrior brothers.

we sit on the rock, our souls stirring with the morning air, the scent of fresh pine creeps into our unihumanbody's nostrils. we move our neck muscles, looking around at the light creeping through the overgrowth, the canopy of greenery providing our lazy shelter, the slightly shady misty morning mountain air flowing in our nostrils, telling us more than any book, than any movie or magazine, a chemical released by the army of pine trees guarding the true bliss of life from humankind.

we slept under a blanket of stars, a quilt of the cosmos, wrapping our internal subconscious journey with a fresh coating of the unfathomable. our mind journey a single moment of uniting, of universal understanding and tranquility and nirvana. exploring and knowing the whole universe and nothing simultaneously.

good morning my dear one. let us silently walk barefoot through the foothills. let us feel the morning transcend into the depths of our soul. let us die in these woods that bore us, along with three thousand years of simultaneous souls.

2009-08-12 HMech Manifesto

Art is communication. Art is only communication. Communication of Ideas.

The way to judge an artist is to judge how well they take the ideas in their head and transfer them into a medium. An artist can be their greatest judge, but they also need people to hold them accountable to communicate as clearly as possible. This is why as an artist, it is very important to surround yourself with people who understand you and your art.

Anyone can be an artist- anyone who wants to share their ideas is an artist, a communicator. The first step is to realize, then decide your ideas are valuable. The greatest artists explore and pursue multiple mediums as vehicles of communication. The next step is to learn different ways of communicating. Writing, Drawing, Music, acting, fashion, even the way you speak can be art. Word choice, even inflection is art- these things rely on your decision to communicate an idea- sometimes deliberately, oftentimes subconsciously.

The truth is, Art is everywhere.

You can live your whole as a gear in the American machine, or you can be your own human machine. You can decide everything about your life, or you can do as you’re told. You can decide that this writing is true or false; that’s the beauty of writing—of clear writing—which is one aspect of the human machine.

Here at the HM, we want to communicate clearly and concisely, we want our ideas to ring true. We are artists so it is in our nature to express. To elaborate, to find tangents, to seek beauty, to present ideas, to point out our humanity- to do all of these things by SEEKING TRUTH.

We want the truth. We want balance. We want to express. We want to learn, both from ourselves and from you. We want you to be a part of our movement- this dual-natured movement. We want idividualism and collectivism. We want a greater understanding of art and science, men and women, weapons and tools. We want to understand the value of being rich or poor. The value of bliss and anguish.

The only way to achieve balance is to be familiar with extremes, with dichotomies. **The only way to eliminate injustice is to find social equality, to have peace is to understand that knowledge and empathy are required.**

Men and women, gay and straight, black and white, rich and poor, individualist and collectivists, everything in between. Humans and machines.

This is a movement; movements require resonance, they require agreement. They require participation and hard work.

We understand the world through dichotomy. Through recognizing the extreme ends of a spectrum, and everything in between. We are not democrats or republicans, we’re both and neither. We are people. Humans. We live in a machine. We cannot let the machines destroy us. Join our cause. Decide to become an artist and a scholar. Expression and knowledge. COMMUNICATE. Support the Human Machine and we will do all we can to further our cause; your cause.

2009-09-30 spirit funbox

internal conflictions interfere with the funbox and its desire to freely interact with the colorful, pulsating cloudforce outside the skull cavity. the electric oatmeal moves at its own pace, but sometimes aligns with the polarity of the spirit cloud. the cloud of subconscious homosapien history, vibrating in unison with chest cavity, feet, and skull cavity. the conflictions sometimes can be shaken out using strategic pulses and waveforms. the bounce of freedom and hypnosis. the treasure of being in this mindset, this time, having the spirit cloud plugged in using a plastic tube, gasses being freely exchanged back and forth as I become an appendage of the creative collective subconscious. on the brink of the blade, the break of the wave, floating in the cloudforce, in inner and outer space, with the breath of life pushing and pulling your dead human corpse around like a puppet. the machine sleeps. the human (singular) awaketh! the megazord of life, staring death and meaningless boredom and routine in the face with eyes of glowing crystal. fly into the stratosphere, O great hero! breathe your delicious spirit into the AC outlets at the base of the lifeless corpse pile.


The Great Human Race

The unfathomable depths of the processing power of my genetically perfected, Darwinian wet dream of a brain will overwhelm your short-sighted lemming logic any day.
Prepare to be melted, flesh to bone, by the radiations emitted from my brain.
I will eat you alive.
I will pick you up by your head and repeatedly pummel your stomach with my monster fists, watching with delight as I, the hungry sadist monster, observe your organs collapse from within your body using my x-ray vision.
I will laugh to myself as the horror on your face decays into lifeless nothingness.
A dial tone.
A punching bag disguised as a cadaver.
Your cold, limp body devoid of electrical nerve endings, unable to withstand the brain-numbing pain delivered by my radiating rage.

As your translucent soul floats above the scene of ongoing brutality, watching the carnage unfold with a continued look of horror, I shall separate my warrior soul from my manifested monster vessel and float into the spirit realm to further torment your existence.
My new (parallel, coexisting) manifestation is an eagle, the almighty dominator of the sky, sitting atop the food pyramid with fearless, unchanging eyes.
The eagle flies down from his pyramid and lets out a mountain-shattering screech that sends a brisk chill of fear down your spinal column. This well-respected eagle has chosen his prey.

Even the mice do not run when they hear the familiar sound of his war cry, the same war cry left ringing in the ears of those taken by the blood sacrifice necessary to sustain modern human existence.
You see, my dead friend, you are simply a casualty of war.
There is no human race.
The only race that exists is the marathon of life.
All you are is a person who lost the human race.
To those still running, you are as insignificant as the 10,000 trees left in their wake.

Now that you are dead, wake up and smell the vomit.
Now that you live in eternity, you have the privilege to observe reality realistically, because you failed to do so in the great human race.

Edited Newspaper (2009-10-22)

I read the newspaper (NYT) constantly and keep track of articles that I think are worthwhile. I email the articles to myself, and when my inbox fills up with these articles (usually every week) I email them to other people, along with my own commentary, hoping that it will fuel interesting conversations. In addition to emailing them to my family, I have decided to post my so-called "Edited Newspapers" on this blog.

I realize that I have not been posting a lot lately. It's not that I haven't been writing (I actually have been writing more than I usually do) Its just that I have not been posting things here. I hope to post some of the better writings that I have done on here in the next few days so that the five of you that read my blog can enjoy/hate on what I am thinking.

Writing is all about getting your thoughts out on a piece of paper (or computer screen) and being able to share them/see them for yourself. the way I write is intended to be "stream of consciousness," direct from my brain to the paper. if my writing sucks, then my brain sucks. if my brain sucks, then i know to make my brain better. if my brain is good, then i know I'm doing something right.

ok, so here is this week's "edited newspaper"

a psychological review of WTWTA (my favorite movie of the year so far) : a movie written about my childhood daydreams

an interesting article of the fellas at pandora objectifying music and creating their "music genome project." sorry buddy, but i think i got it figured out. have fun with your formulas, ill keep listening to music at my own (blindingly fast) rate.

Bono asserts America that America is an idea, that we live for greater things and Obama is still a great leader. a beautifully written article, but then you finish it and get over the patriotic endorphin rush and realize that America (and Obama) are still greatly flawed and need to be DESTROYED (or reformed)

an article discussing and debating conceptual art's relevance, then going to examine my favorite question(s) "what is art?"/"where does it come from?" pretty interesting. debate/discuss it with me sometime.

good to know. a Mediterranean diet helps you live longer. If Sam stops cooking mediterranean food, I'll know to behave better.

definitely true! my favorite article in a while. short, concise, and confident. beautifully written as a dialogue, keeping the argument strong and blaring.

THE FUTURE BEINGS CAME BACK IN TIME TO SABOTAGE THE HARDON COLLIDER! but seriously, I have been reading about physics a lot lately and this article only further fans the flames of my science-related questions.

an article about a bunch of smart young people who will make a lot of money by figuring out and explaining how cultural brains are programmed.

This should be more than enough for you to read. Read a few of these and get back to me. I want more people to talk to me in my life. I am actually a very interesting person (intentionally of course)
