Thursday, October 22, 2009

2009-08-12 HMech Manifesto

Art is communication. Art is only communication. Communication of Ideas.

The way to judge an artist is to judge how well they take the ideas in their head and transfer them into a medium. An artist can be their greatest judge, but they also need people to hold them accountable to communicate as clearly as possible. This is why as an artist, it is very important to surround yourself with people who understand you and your art.

Anyone can be an artist- anyone who wants to share their ideas is an artist, a communicator. The first step is to realize, then decide your ideas are valuable. The greatest artists explore and pursue multiple mediums as vehicles of communication. The next step is to learn different ways of communicating. Writing, Drawing, Music, acting, fashion, even the way you speak can be art. Word choice, even inflection is art- these things rely on your decision to communicate an idea- sometimes deliberately, oftentimes subconsciously.

The truth is, Art is everywhere.

You can live your whole as a gear in the American machine, or you can be your own human machine. You can decide everything about your life, or you can do as you’re told. You can decide that this writing is true or false; that’s the beauty of writing—of clear writing—which is one aspect of the human machine.

Here at the HM, we want to communicate clearly and concisely, we want our ideas to ring true. We are artists so it is in our nature to express. To elaborate, to find tangents, to seek beauty, to present ideas, to point out our humanity- to do all of these things by SEEKING TRUTH.

We want the truth. We want balance. We want to express. We want to learn, both from ourselves and from you. We want you to be a part of our movement- this dual-natured movement. We want idividualism and collectivism. We want a greater understanding of art and science, men and women, weapons and tools. We want to understand the value of being rich or poor. The value of bliss and anguish.

The only way to achieve balance is to be familiar with extremes, with dichotomies. **The only way to eliminate injustice is to find social equality, to have peace is to understand that knowledge and empathy are required.**

Men and women, gay and straight, black and white, rich and poor, individualist and collectivists, everything in between. Humans and machines.

This is a movement; movements require resonance, they require agreement. They require participation and hard work.

We understand the world through dichotomy. Through recognizing the extreme ends of a spectrum, and everything in between. We are not democrats or republicans, we’re both and neither. We are people. Humans. We live in a machine. We cannot let the machines destroy us. Join our cause. Decide to become an artist and a scholar. Expression and knowledge. COMMUNICATE. Support the Human Machine and we will do all we can to further our cause; your cause.

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